Confused with network unavailability at different parts of your building? Well, this article might be your super solution to the problem. DAS is what you need to put up at your building and enjoy uninterrupted signaling at every corner of the building.
DAS system: What and why
This is probably the most convenient way to deal with poor coverage regions, especially in large buildings. DAS or Distributed Antenna System deals with the isolated poor coverage regions by a network of smaller antennas throughout the building working as repeaters.
The working principle of DAS is pretty simple. In this setup, there is a Central Controller to which the smaller antennas are connected physically and the controller, in turn, is connected
to a wireless carrier network base station. This DAS system works on RF (Radio Frequency) directional couplers or amplifiers. This enables to split and amplify the signals from the source station. Such radio frequency spectrums are licensed to wireless carriers only, thus involving an agency for such setup is necessary.
to a wireless carrier network base station. This DAS system works on RF (Radio Frequency) directional couplers or amplifiers. This enables to split and amplify the signals from the source station. Such radio frequency spectrums are licensed to wireless carriers only, thus involving an agency for such setup is necessary.
The setup is probably the most crucial and expensive part of DAS technology. Deployment incurs an intensive process and generally, such setup is built by the licensed carrier agency hired. The setup is built using low loss coaxial cables and fiber optic cabling to support the RoF technology (Radio over fiber).
Choosing the right agency
DAS technology is used in densely populated places like shopping malls, medical centers, high rise buildings etc where continuous uninterrupted signaling is necessary. DAS is a technologically intense and cost expensive setup to put so while hiring carriers one should be extra cautious. The proper license for frequency and the prices of optic fibers, coaxial cables etc. need to be checked. Only a few agencies provide solution-based professional signal distribution at proper pricing and with utmost professionalism for you to enjoy uninterrupted network services.
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