Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Tips for Assembling Your Cell Phone Signal Amplifiers

Now that you have bought the best cell phone signal booster for your home or office or vehicle, you will have to know the right way to install it. This is necessary as proper installation will enable you to get every extra ounce of boosting power out of the cell phone signal booster. You will be able to use it in the most effective and efficient way possible and make sure that you get the maximum signal strength for uninterrupted calls. There are a lot of things to consider right from the location of the cell phone signal booster to the distance of the tower and antenna.
Maximize the Effectiveness 

To maximize the return on your investment you will have to maximize the effectiveness of the cell phone signal amplifiers with minimal effort. There are specific ways to follow to achieve this feat which you should follow to the last word. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have the shortest possible length of the cables as this will reduce the loss of signal strength by a considerable margin. Longer cable length will result is more signal loss and this will not be eliminated even if you roll the long cable up to make it short. On the contrary, rolling your cable up will have another adverse effect on the signal as it will cause interference of signal.

Get the Best Cable

It is paramount that you always use the best cable and never rely on cheap variants that come with tallest of claims. Lower quality cables will result in a huge amount of signal loss. Remember, you will have to use the best type of cable according to the type of signal booster and therefore if you find that your signal booster kit has a RG-59-Mini Cable, then upgrade it with RG-6 cable and RG-58 cable by LMR-400.